No War For Oil
Uh, what? I thought we were spreading freedom and democracy. Wait a minute… et in remarks to Congress yesterday, Pickens revealed that he is just as interested as ever in tying our national security to...
View ArticleSunday Papers: The UK Iraq War Inquiry
We haven't done this for awhile, but this effort by the British to take a hard look at how they came to be involved in the Iraq War doesn't seem to have gotten much press stateside. So far, I've seen...
View ArticleGood News To Start New Year
For the first time ever . . . EVAH . . . since the ill conceived Iraq War began, the United States did not suffer any combat deaths in a calendar month reports CNN. December was the first month since...
View ArticleYour Taxpayer Dollars At Work
What's a good use of taxpayer dollars? It's paying for prostitutes for Blackwater mercenaries, of course.
View ArticleGo Cheney Yourself, Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney poked his head out of his undisclosed location to share this wisdom with the world this morning: Responding to Biden’s comments that Iraq may end up being one of the Obama administration’s...
View ArticleLook Who’s Back – It’s Donald Rumsfeld
Donald Rumsfeld has a new memoir. By Rumsfeld's account, he's a hero surrounded by incompetents.
View ArticleAnother BushCo Iraq War Lie — Mobile Bioweapons Labs Edition
It is completely amazing to me that the British press is still working to figure out how we got duped into the Iraq war. Part of this, of course, is that there have been multiple official inquiries...
View ArticleTime to End the Wars
The US Conference of Mayors did something on Monday that they haven’t done in over 40 years. They passed a resolution calling for an accelerated end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What is...
View ArticleDishonorable Discharge
It seems that the Bush-era Department of the Air Force and Defense Department really didn't give a damn about those who made the ultimate sacrifice for out country. The Air Force dumped the incinerated...
View Article4,497 Reasons Why There Are No Do-Overs in War
Hillary Clinton's colossal fuck-up of one of her most important political decisions of her career.
View ArticleNo War For Oil
Uh, what? I thought we were spreading freedom and democracy. Wait a minute… et in remarks to Congress yesterday, Pickens revealed that he is just as interested as ever in tying our national security to...
View ArticleSunday Papers: The UK Iraq War Inquiry
We haven't done this for awhile, but this effort by the British to take a hard look at how they came to be involved in the Iraq War doesn't seem to have gotten much press stateside. So far, I've seen...
View ArticleGood News To Start New Year
For the first time ever . . . EVAH . . . since the ill conceived Iraq War began, the United States did not suffer any combat deaths in a calendar month reports CNN. December was the first month since...
View ArticleYour Taxpayer Dollars At Work
What's a good use of taxpayer dollars? It's paying for prostitutes for Blackwater mercenaries, of course.
View ArticleGo Cheney Yourself, Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney poked his head out of his undisclosed location to share this wisdom with the world this morning: Responding to Biden’s comments that Iraq may end up being one of the Obama administration’s...
View ArticleLook Who’s Back – It’s Donald Rumsfeld
Donald Rumsfeld has a new memoir. By Rumsfeld's account, he's a hero surrounded by incompetents.
View ArticleAnother BushCo Iraq War Lie — Mobile Bioweapons Labs Edition
It is completely amazing to me that the British press is still working to figure out how we got duped into the Iraq war. Part of this, of course, is that there have been multiple official inquiries...
View ArticleTime to End the Wars
The US Conference of Mayors did something on Monday that they haven’t done in over 40 years. They passed a resolution calling for an accelerated end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What is...
View ArticleDishonorable Discharge
It seems that the Bush-era Department of the Air Force and Defense Department really didn't give a damn about those who made the ultimate sacrifice for out country. The Air Force dumped the incinerated...
View Article4,497 Reasons Why There Are No Do-Overs in War
Hillary Clinton's colossal fuck-up of one of her most important political decisions of her career.
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